понедельник, 9 апреля 2012 г.

This is The Path

"With every breath the sound of love surrounds us, 
 and we are bound for the depths of space, without distraction. 
 We've been in orbit before and know the angels there. 
 Let's go there again, Master, 
 for that is our land. 
 Yet we are beyond all of that and more than angels. 
 Out beyond duality, we have a home, and it is Majesty. 
 That pure substance is different from this dusty world. 
 What kind of place is this? 
 We once came down; soon we'll return. 
 A new happiness befriends us as we work at offering our lives. 
 The sweetness we breathe on the wind is from the scent of his hair, 
and the radiance of our thought is from the light of his day. 
 His face once caused the moon to split in two. 
 She couldn't endure the sight of him. 
 Yet how lucky she was, she who humbly received him.
 Look into your heart and see the splitting moon within each breath. 
 Having seen that vision, how can you still dream? 
 When the wave of "Am I not?" struck, it wrecked the body's ship; 
 when the ship wrecks again, it will be the time of union. 
The Human Being, like a bird of the sea, 
 emerged from the ocean of the soul. 
 Earth is not the final place of rest for a bird born from the sea. 
 No, we are pearls of that ocean; all of us live in it; 
 and if it weren't so, why would wave upon wave arrive? 
 This is the time of union, the time of eternal beauty. 
 It is the time of luck and kindness; it is the ocean of purity. 
 The wave of bestowal has come. 
 The roar of the sea is here. 
 The morning of happiness has dawned. 
 No, it is the light of God. 
 Whose face is pictured here? 
 Who is this shah or prince? 
 Who is this ancient intelligence? 
 They are all masks . . . 
 and the only remedy is this boiling ecstasy of the soul. 
 A fountain of refreshment is in the head and the eyes 
- not this bodily head but another pure spiritual one. 
 Many a pure head has been spilled in the dust. 
Know the one from the other! 
 Our original head is hidden, while this other is visible. 
 Beyond this world is a world that has no boundaries. 
 Put your water skin away, brother, 
 and draw some wine from our cask! 
 The clay jug of perception has such a narrow spout. 
The sun appeared from the direction of Tabriz, and I said, 
"This light is at once joined with all things, and yet apart from everything."



пятница, 30 марта 2012 г.

You are the beginning of my ends;

~ My heart, fear not
For I will never leave your sight;
No matter where I go
You are the point of my return,
The shining star
Which lights my path at night.

You are:
The house that I call Home,
The road which is my Path,
The ground I walk on - also You;
You are the Water I'm made of;
The Air I breathe is your sweet smell
and the skin I wear's your clothes.

You are the one
where I come to and fro;

My heart, believe,
where I end, You begin. ~


четверг, 22 марта 2012 г.

Dear Elkman,

The road you've walked has been long 
and your hooves are weared by stones 
But your spirit is strong and eternal like Faith itself
your will is indestructable 
your muscles are steel 
you are made for the fight Warrior, 
this fight never ends 
its only calm before the storm
You have all the strengh to continue
as long as you know
what you want 
that is ahead
is what you need
Keep your heart on the destination 
and your eye on the course 
and let Mother guide you 
give in 
she is here
she is with you
you are never alone
you always have her 


понедельник, 19 марта 2012 г.

Once upon a very different time long long star years away, Princess of the Moon and Prince of the Sky made love on the infinite bed of the cosmic ocean ~

Earth was one of the smallest parts of their love creationn but it was one very dear to them, they loved it as their child and took the oath to protect it for all eternity and forever more
& no matter what ever happened to the planet, their Love existed in an eternal dimension
free of boundaries of time and space, forever more significant than anything but
a life of a single ant, a raindrop rolling down a smooth leaf, a flower blossom pulsing with desire to burst out in spirals of the morning sun {those are all examples of their Love that  is infinate as the life of all existence combined to a single Soul}

- aheart

четверг, 15 марта 2012 г.

"The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with One Step"

** [we] **

You are everything I am made of
and everything I am is you
in you lies truth to all my secrets
my started paths
my made decions
my sweetst dreams come true
my stars
my guides 
my angels
the trails of dust
the glowing thread
the lurring scents 
all part 
all one 
- led  [you]me to
[me]you - 


понедельник, 5 марта 2012 г.

Good Morning my precious little pomplemouse

It's MONDAYyAyAAYAyaYayyeeii xD | tiMe to get SERiOUS-with-having-sOmmMMe-SERioUS-FUN!!:: woah wHats the plan for todaii cutie, other than being Precious {like a little gemstone on the bottom of an ocean} MaMa LOVeS YOU little PEARL ~ just remember that. | THEREs NOTHiNG THaT we CANt CONqUeR TOGETHER >> i HoPE you have a beAAuuuuuutiful day filled with warmth of the love that my heart is sending you and the kisses of my thougGHts

{& i know you're safe}

ps. haha i just looked at the picture again && it looked like Ponyo is trying to suffocate him .. but she's really just happy to see him because - she loves him ... like i love you :)

четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

суббота, 25 февраля 2012 г.

You know what you ned to do, Warrior

Everything in nature is One
coming together is the Law
of nature - Respect.
Nature is never doubtfull
knowing when: time is now
it knows - Patience.
All-knowing, our Mother is humble
giving thanks for all
to the One
by who's eternal Love
 Strengh was birthed from ~

Go on now, Warrior, Be

&  Let your Wind quide your Water ~ skyprincess
