суббота, 11 февраля 2012 г.

Why do I love him?

Did he really just ask me why I love him?

Um what guy would wait for you to come back from Russia for 6 months>
> Call you in the morning to you wake you up
>> keep a blog where he posted cute stuff
I love him because he’s awkward
and especially when he’s shy
I find it sooOOo Hot
He does this cute smile it’s like yeah I think I’m cute but >> do you think that?
Staying up late at night
Even though he has a long day of training and work when he wakes up
Just to watch with me any movie I’d like
>>Waiting for me as I get ready to go out
Picking out a cute outfit for me when I’m rushing around in a towel stressed out
Screaming how “If can’t find something to wear right now then I’m not going out tonight”
And he’s saying “Okay babe just calm down”
<<What guy would bake cookies with his girlfriend and actually like and put an effort to do it
Or stand outside her apartment throwing rocks at her window to wake her up at night
>>>Ditch a drunken boys night because leaving her alone didn’t feel right
And how he taught me how drive his car
And when I didn’t want to ride the boring bicycle he’d let me ride his favorite bike
In winter making me get all bundled up like a newborn child
So I wouldn’t catch a cold going outside
<<Teaching me kickboxing even though I got frustrated and angry and wanted to cry
He went for walks with me & always held my hand tight
I was like a precious flower-gem that the thought of loosing me made him scared
>He trusted me enough to let me cut his hair
(and I think he even actually liked it)
Or at least he must have forgave me like he did whenever I fucked up
He took time to listen
We always found things to talk about
<<He put away clothes for me, made cute breakfasts, and cleaned the house
And whenever I really wanted something I could always talk him into being down
(even though sometimes he’d be grumpy and poopie he’d still come around)
I love that he brought art out in me
My soul chose him somehow and give him my love
>Also, he likes cats
And cats are my favorite
Plus, he likes to dance and plays a guitarRr
& always have so much fun just jumping around at clubs that we don’t need anything or anyone
<<<I really like how he has style (even though it gets a little flamboyant at times but overall he’s fine ;)
I respect him a lot for training so hard and kicking ass in martial arts
He has a beautiful body and I like how he doesn’t poison it with junk (but I do find it so cute when he eats a lot, like big manly portions haha)
I think it’s cute how last Christmas we cut out paper snowflakes and posted them on the apartment windows
And made his parents a wreath out of real tree branches and candies and sticks and stuff
>>Haha running around the park with sticks, high on brownies playing the Princess and Knight with swords
Me holding his hairy legs as he walked through water and I’d just kick my feet {I love his hairy legs, I think they’re hot too}
Oh and my favorite part is his eyes, the slight slant beside his nose and the Asian cut, the changing green-blue-gray color and the look that he does
I love the mole above his lip and kissing it so soft
And the cute gap in his teeth that makes him look like a sexy dork
He has big manly hands that feel so good when he touches my body
>>>I love how hes so gentle yet passionate when we make love
Hehe I like taking the bus with him
& how he coined us as Elkwoman and Elkman
I like his bushy eye brows (like a lot)
I like how he does the Serious face in pictures even though he’s a total goof
I like playing new-born kittens with him and aliens and being cute
<<Pretty sure I met him in a different life time on a different planet somewhere
But I can’t remember how or when
&& I know no matter what happens I will love him forever
For reason at all
Not even the slightest reason because no words are equivalent to how I feel what I feel where I go and what I find in the magic universe that belongs to no one but to {me&you}
I don’t need a reason to stay with him and I don’t have one to go
For no reason at all – I just want to be with him, somewhere next to him, maybe just for a little while like a few hours a couple of days a week at least
Just lie next to him, smell his skin, watch him sleep
I don’t know why I like him so much
It’s something that just comes from inside
Like this herd of wild butterflies fussing around in my belly and making me sometimes laugh sometimes cry – ugh, I’m a girl after all, omg ( :P )
>>> I just like him, I like being with him, I like who he makes me become
Yeah ofcorse I’ll be stubborn about it and argue with him
But then we always make up
There is so many more "reasons" and cute memories that will forver stay in my heart 
I think I’mma wrap this memoir up
Because all I wanna do right now is cuddle and kiss him and squeeze him and hold him tight :D 


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