вторник, 20 сентября 2011 г.

To: whom it may concern,

Elkman said ~ never say "just"

Sometimes we need to take some time to our-self {if you don't find peace within yourself you won't find it anywhere} and Milo is the one who taught me this first
~Put down your books in search of answers
Get away from the fucking machine-head/computer 
kitten, there is a reason why your skype doesn't work, or your dad walks in or your mom:: You have been lost and less sure of yourself lately and it shames me to admit that as a woman I lose respect for you, of corse I don't realize it at the time to be able to communicate it to you properly and help you - my emotions take over too much but I see it now and I am in no way trying to make an excuse out of it. Sometimes you see things a little more clearly than me and it helps me when you tell me in an effective way {this is my way to do the same} 
~ Get away from the perspectives of others for a while {its good to hear other points of view and even having an intelligent argument can be healthy from time to time but those in search of their argument/you&me are not suited for it quite yet. There is no need to jump ahead of ourselves - life will teach its lessons if we let it, the rest of the knowledge will come with it. But its hard to learn something when you're surrounded by the same situations all the time - be that you reading a book in your room you are still in your comfort zone, be that hanging out with friends you still in your comfort zone. 
kitten, Maybe going to Poland is a good idea for you but don't do it based on me and please don't try to fool your mind that everything will just fall together there, it's too clever for that so - have at least an idea of a plan. It is so repulsively "normal" :) to:: feel lost, to search yourself looking for not merely answers but a some form of truth. But, its not like the Holy Grail - you cant just find it "oh there it is" and then what -  die?  {lol} ~babe, slow down - enjoy whatever time we have. 
Limit the time you spend with stupid people. Try to meet and talk with strangers 
Don't tell everyone what you believe {more than people want to listen they want to talk} Let people talk {if they ask} Answer truthfully but without giving out too much {same as life does} Keep your secrets and Create your own mystery {if the whole book was written on its cover no one would buy it}
Spend more time by yourself but without thinking thoughts of other people
Read books about adventures and pirates hunting for treasures, women in beautiful dresses, love during war, different planets with different people; read great philosophers and compare their arguments read poems {think in rhymes and look at the world like a proud romantic rather than "a sad looser" the Word is God ~babe, I thank you for letting me be it right now}
kitten, Remember, you said you'd go camping by yourself - maybe it would be a good idea sometime this week {if you feel like doing something} Do it right away or as fast as it came it will go ~
Be who you are {bad and good} For we are humans, and we have minds which are capable of reason, and reason always leads to doubts and doubt to mistakes, but what is right and what's wrong is what's light and dark that cannot be without each other. 
Remember:: Dear Elk ~ that "Beauty is in the Eye of The Beholder"

Come on now WARRIOR 
Are you going to fight for your believes or are you going to let them escape you
Do you love your heart enough to trust it fully
Sure you are humble anough to hear it, but are you strong enough to follow it? {You don't have to be everything or anything; just be ~ to your best ability, with your outmost beauty and grace, with your purest love, Be}
When you are happy, your soul will be happy for you {if you think something is wrong it probably is} But, my sweet human, be a little lighter. My strong man, be a little tougher. Be crazy, Be wild, {Be Childlike} a child whos playing play pretend "no, no play today, its very serious, a lot of work awaits" "now im mad and angry" "now im hungry" "now I want something" "now I'm tired" Let your fantasy be, child - we all are, and we forget that we are only playing so we get hurt and tired, mad and aggitated. 

Poem 5
"One went to the door of the Beloved and
knocked. A voice asked, 'Who is there?'
He answered, 'It is I.'
The voice said, 'There is no room for Me and Thee.'
The door was shut.
After a year of solitude and deprivation he returned and knocked.
A voice from within asked, 'Who is there?'
The man said, 'It is Thee.'
The door was opened for him."
 -- Jelaluddin Rumi

ps. ;)


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