суббота, 15 октября 2011 г.

Baby elkman is born!!!

I am no longer sure - where I know you from
or why it was that I met you;
How did you sneak into my life?

But I remember you asking me what my dream was 
"To build a house" 
I told you. 
We sat close to each other for a while longer
and every time I looked at you 
I became more curious about you
"Can I kiss you?"
We flew away under a mexican blanket that summer, 
We were long gone by the time autumn came
And we will stay there forever
no matter what happens down here
You know this
And I will Remember
that summer, 
the tree, 
staying up until 7 o'clock in the morning
telling stories 
and dreaming 
about eachother
in our dreams :)

Little butterfly, elkman, milo, kotёnok - 
you'll always be with me 
"In a grain of dust, in the wind, in the sand";
In the rays of the sun that shines through my window
In the sky with the clouds wishing me a GoodNight;
In every leaf of a tree in a forest 
In my thoughts
In my dreams

What lies ahead of us will not be easy
And whatever it brings I am ready to accept
I am, after all, glad that I've met you 
and I thank you for reminding me how to 
Believe and fight for what you believe in 
to have Faith in yourself
and in faith itself
To Love 
because it is the greatest gift that we've been given
but not one we know how to give
And most important of all 
 to Create 
to Do 
to BE 
and to 


And so Elkman wondered the Kingdon awaiting for the Forest to regrow. He grew more impatient and every day he went back to the forest but the Tree Guards blocked his way. The Elkman was furious for still did not understood that Time does not like to be rushed and Nature does not like its work interrupted. Everything in the forest was working hard to rebuild itself; every ant and every bee, every bird and every tree were awake at dawn. But no matter how hard they worked the  forest just wasn't growing; something deep inside of the Soul of it had changed forever and it wasn't sure what it was and it didn't really care either. Nothing now will be the same. The Forest was used to the changing ways of the Weather, but not to that of its children. The Soul of the Forest was confused, lost and sad. 
Somewhere on the other edge of the forest the Elkwoman was fighting her anger. She kept telling herself that about Forgiveness and having Faith. But until the Soul of Forest grieves - the Forest won't grow, and the Elkwoman will not fully forgive. 
Only an act of utmost courage can break the curse. A Warrior, one pure of heart, must act of his own will to show the Soul of the Forest how much it loved to live. And the only way one can do that is live his every day with utmost beauty and joy and wait until the Soul of the Forest, curious like a child, will come out of the darkness and approach the warrior. It will ask the warrior many questions and will test him to see how confident he really is, and if the Soul sees that the warrior truly is the one pure of heart, the one who lives his every day to the fullest and doesn't give up, it will once again light up with a childish desire to live and to play like it did once before and accompanied by the warrior the Soul will return to the Forest once more. Then the Elkwoman will be waiting. Then everything in the Forest might blossom like it never had before ~

Oh what travels lie ahead, what a strange and wonderful World - waiting to be disovered
And endless universes of Imagination waiting to be filled


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