воскресенье, 23 октября 2011 г.


when we met I thought we could be kids and step wide and confident and cross the Earth with a smile on our faces
seeing different places, meeting new people, going on adventures, playing Indiana Jones, getting into trouble, following the guide of angels

something about you made me think of a parallel world - in which we are kids, or maybe it was the past
but i knew you
we watched The Little Princess
and fell asleep
and when our elbows touched
i felt as if our bodies connected
i wanted to hug you
you smelled like candles

you were a secret that made me wonder
but not one i wanted to open
when you were there you filled everything with your being
when you left it was like you didn't exist to begin with
you were everything and nothing
i didn't need to have you
(even though it always brought tears to my eyes when i imagined you disappearing in the middle of the night, so i slept with the sea shell and made myself believe that just like the ocean that forever stays in the shell, so will you when you leave will still stay forever with me)
i let you go before i ever had you
...maybe that's why i couldn't tell you "i love you"

i thought we could turn into fairy-tale characters
and fade away into a memory
become nothing, be reborn in a new world
a world that that we'd paint any colour we'd want
lay out soft carpets, hang silky curtains and spread out pillows
the whole world  - a big magical bed made of nature
its inhabitants - beautiful animals, birds and angels
other people would come to visit from their worlds
a dream within dream free of any illusions
everything pure
sun rays
feeding us
= existence

with you it all seemed possible
unattained it was depressing to me
but we never stopped believing
that it can be

only with you
even if only for a little while
we made it reality
in the physical realm
seeing beauty in everything
breathing hope
feeding on air
thanking God for making everything wonder-full
for giving us minds and bodies that could create

an endless indian summer
i will never forget
it will never fade

the ocean might dry
but it never leaves the shell ~

"When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality."
Dom Helder Camara


1 комментарий:

  1. Do not forget who you are Elkwoman.
    I am a Human, and we all make mistakes.

    I love you dearly, you will forever be in my Heart.

    "Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong."

    ~ Be love, see love
